Rest and Recuperate
As working mums, it is challenging to find the time to rest or better still we do not priorities resting. Sometimes, our bodies reach the point of diminishing returns and for us to be the best version of ourselves, we need to rest.
During the Easter Holiday, I couldn’t help but think of these two words REST and RECUPERATE. In the spirit of these words, I decided to turn off all the noise, so I could recuperate.
As I zoomed out of all routines and the kids and I were relaxed. I slept, napped and slept some more. During the period of quiet, I realised how important resting is for myself and for the family. Knowing how to rest has been a blessing during the Easter holidays.
As working mum’s, we need to give ourselves permission to get as much rest as we need. Resting aids us to restore ourselves from ourselves and empowers us to stay true to our values and move forward with Authenticity.
Find time to REST!